I talked to him a few years ago too. Really chill, pretty funny, also blunt as a dull rock and glaringly mentally ill. He always wanted to leave the discord stuff and fell off the face of the Earth eventually.
Mantras had a real distaste for him because he pulled Sunny away from Ciara and him. And Imp said later on that he was the one that contacted Sunny's school district after a bunch of people were spamming the FBI with no results. That ended up in them sending the detective who pulled her from class.
As far as him e-dating Sunny though I have no idea. The hate some girls get on here is way too much, but accusations of grooming get old after they've been "groomed" for the 10th time in a row.
And she always talks bad about her old server to her new ones and has made stuff up before, so it wouldn't be shocking if she's saying he groomed her to sell a certain story to her current friend group.