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I was sparsely acquainted with Kennedi in 2017 and 2018 before I knew she was a e-girl camwhore, I even asked if she was stalking me because I saw someone post pics of her in a thread on an obscure 8chan board because I thought she was a pedestrian and she said she was just famous, bemoaning it while at the same time relishing in it.  The things we talked about for that brief amount of time sort of stuck with me and she spoke forwardly and unafraid to touch on peoples' emotions but I never screencapped the conversations.

I think she was the only girl to actually act and look like Lain and not be some "omg she's just like me #femcel!", as she preceded that nor did I ever remember her talking about Lain, and I remember her loving the Thief and the Cobbler at least for a while.  She posted a pic of her family when she was 5-7 and remarked that she hated herself for a long time because her single father always spoke ill of women.  In case it hasn't been stated she's diagnosed with autism, and has tinnitus which is why she listens to so much music.  I also have the town she lives/lived in but I think I'd get banned for sharing that.

I see all of that was just bullshit I guess and it sort of saddens me she isn't really special even and not a genuine person at least anymore.  This isn't the first time I was acquainted with a girl who was famous enough for /agatha/ but didn't know they were imageboard-famous social media denizens either.  I think these two events helped to why I don't talk to girls anymore.