not to mention she’s not disabled or even diagnosed with anything besides mood disorders which plenty of americans have. it costs thousands just to get the psych evaluations needed for disability on top of all the therapy documents that are needed. most people get denied unless they’re super autistic with some debilitating comorbidity like panic attacks. marky is perfectly able to work, she just doesn’t want to. average sped on disability fucks everything up at work and just makes things harder for coworkers because they’re so easily overwhelmed and confused. whoever told her she could get disability is either ignorant or someone who got on disability themselves because their parents did everything for them 

she is lying about a couple things in her story post. she has been kicked out of her mothers house a few times before and her mom hated her for a while off and on. big part of why she went to brazil and fell for multiple guys in a row when she came back. shes always looking for a guy to replace the care her mom gives her.