It sounds like something a child would make up because Marky and her mother are both stunted enough to be this hysteric. Maybe she made it up, wouldn’t put it past her, but it’s what she herself said. 

I used to have screenshots of the argument between her and her mom because she sent it to several people but they’re gone with the sands of time because I’ve had like 4 discord accounts. There was a time where me and a few others she liked venting to (some from her server) were sharing screenshots with each other and comparing her messages to us because she was so inconsistent and all over the place. You don’t have to believe me, and to be honest I’m guessing Marky will be here in no time to defend herself too, trying to figure out who it is but she can’t because she was telling everyone around her every little detail about her life as we traded bits of info and screencaps like Pokémon cards. I don’t think I’d be vindictive enough to share them all if I did have them, even though she’s a nutcase she doesn’t hurt people except through lashing out when manic, telling white lies, and ghosting people.