> i actually figured out that he lied to me about different "4chan girls" he had sex with, i don't really want to name them but he lied to me about having an entire marriage with one and told me lies about all of her supposed fetishes. i didn't question it, but later on when i found out that he was lying about his entire life i actually messaged that girl on instagram about the guy, and she had no idea who he was, not a clue. 

> i didn't think he would lie about these things either. i can show you emails i exchanged with him in which i confronted him on his web of lies and he admitted to it all. 
there was a specific woman he lied to me about to make me dislike her, and he lied to her about me to make her dislike me. he swore he only lied due to external pressure from another friend of his (who lied about her age and name as well). he told this woman and me so many huge fabricated stories about each other and we've already figured it all out and apologized to each other about the resentment we held towards one another which was caused by his lies. 
i have never had a sexual relationship with him. i did meet him, but i have never had sex with him, never kissed him, never sent nudes, he never saw me naked, etc. 
> i am actually deeply disturbed because i believed despite all his lies he was good at heart and not malicious.

> i never fought over him with other women either, there was a girl he was dating who he told me he wasn't dating, and he would intentionally try to make this woman jealous by talking about me and lying to her, telling her that i was begging for him, as he me that he wasn't dating her and that she was lying about me and obsessing over me. it was a very intricate web of lies that i didn't figure out until much later. i didn't try dating him, there was a point where he was very insistent on telling me he was in love with me romantically and i was very resistant, although i did love him platonically, i feel betrayed. 
> again, i am really shocked that he did something like this because i wanted to believe he was good. he actually lied to me about having OCD because i have OCD, he told me he had the same views of morality and life that i did, but it was all a lie to gain my trust and mess with my head. he lied about so much, about 70% of it was completely pointless as well. 

>  he's definitely not schizophrenic, just very clearly a compulsive liar. 
i met up with him because i really did genuinely like him as a friend. i trusted him very deeply at the time, before i realized he was like this. i didn't have a sexual relationship with him at all. he actually tried kissing me and i refused to let him then i started to tear up because i felt so guilty for rejecting his advances. 

she has screenshots and wrote even more if you look