let's go over the reasons why her channel might have / might not have been sold
might not have:
> channel banner is meat, she's had a username called "mirmeat" before
> could just be cleaning out the channel
> channel name is awfully similar to simply "mir"
> video description on the post of it being sold was updated to "hewwo" before it being taken down
>  would have sold for 1.1k at least according to desc, which is an odd amount for someone with a brain to pay just to post cat videos
> if somebody bought, they would either delete everything permenantly, or post something besides cat videos
might have sold: 
> said she was quitting before
> orbiters have bought odd amounts before
> could just be someone tormenting/trolling us
> video titles are capitalized, unusual for marky
> why would she delete everything after saying she was quitting

there's more that i forgot
thoughts, markybros?