ALSO, I know that you feel like you're being logical when you make conclusions off "empirical evidence" like things you see women say online, or hear in person, and stuff, but that toxic shit accounts for a very small part of humanity. Misery loves company and it's easy to get sucked into online spaces that become an echochamber of people posting bleak content every day to reinforce their view of the world. And then these awful people seem way more common than they actually are. It's like when moms watch too much true crime content and start telling everyone that they can't even feel safe stepping outside onto their front porch because the world is just that dangerous. It's a view based on real world events and facts and even logic, but it's still not an accurate view of the world at large. So my advice is to try to lay off that stuff, wherever it is. I know I used to eat that shit up on r9k. Remember woman hate threads?