> Long before puberty even starts, people like us tended to already feel totally alienated from our peers
One explanation for this could just be being born unattractive.
> "tfw no gf" is mostly a coping mechanism
I get what you're saying, but I'd say that applies for maybe for 10-15% of cases. For the others, having a woman who actually likes them would cure most of their problems.
> Women having too high standards and hating us.
They do do that, though. If women just dated men on their level instead of having stupidly high demands, 90% of lonely men would stop being lonely.
> traumas that make us so bitter and fucked up and angry not just with women but the world itself
What about the men who just see the shitty things in the world, and aren't traumatized? Things like women's unreasonable demands, for instance.
> Both sexes can have some pretty fucked up standards
Please. Let's not do this "They're both to blame" thing.
Men aren't doing shit like demanding women have G cups, the way women demand tall men.
> even if we found a woman who we found beautiful and sweet, there'd be a creeping voice in a lot of our heads that said "Well, she probably wouldn't even look at me. She'd probably hate me. She's probably fucking some other guy much better than me," and then start to hate her, or rather the idea of her in our heads.
Speaking for myself, I have healthy self esteem, a healthy ego, and am full of confidence.
> She's probably fucking some other guy much better than me
Ever think this thought in men's heads is there because women really do do this kind of thing?
> a lot of my feeling rejected was just me having low self esteem
What do you think about the criticisms against women and the world that are actually real, and unrelated to personal feelings/traumas men may have?
> But I like you, essayposter, because you have moments of clarity and you remind me of myself.
Thank you, friend.