I've added most of your changes, nice work, your contributions are appreciated. The Preview link is probably useless for most users but I do need that to remain on my part as I often make use of it so I've left that rule out. Maybe a few others use it as well. The post numbers thing is interesting, I think it's placement is alright, if you find a way to fix the numbering on the front page just let us know.

The font size change I'm not sure about. I've added this for now on a provisional basis, but, to me at least, it looks absolutely massive. Though that may be just because I'm not used to it. I think how optimal it is may depend on individual users differing setups as well. We'll see how it goes. If any anons want to give feedback on this, or any other changes, they are welcome and encouraged to do so. I'll leave it up to the users to decide.

Apologies for my late response, been away for a bit.

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