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What is Marky's potential right now? I know she could be a famous model or an actress but she is too mentally ill for that. Most of the anons here want Marky to have a daughter with them or a white man so in 18 years they have another new Marky to orbit. I might sound like a schizo but I think if Marky killed herself or got bianca'd Agatha2 would freak out and break the internet.
Anyway I wish she apologized for her bad actions instead of acting like a baby / entitled queen because people like that are normalfags. ( I think Marky is a failed normie even if she is /was  into lolicon, kennedi is less normie than marky because she is more cultured and more interesting too) 
what if she was a man would you still pity her? I know marky suffered but many many abuse victims don't end up mean and bitter like her. 
If Marky changes her bitchy bratty ways then it will be better for everyone and even for her.