she obviously wants nothing to do with any of this shit and wants it all to go away forever. the fact that it wont is very distressing to her. its like she is not allowed to move on and forget the past because ppl continue to obsess over it. it must be maddening. its why when Soph did that video about her and sam, she went into hiding. she wants it all to be left alone and to be forgotten about.

I dont think she has any responsibility to 'come forward' and try to take sam down. Yes, I do think she could potentially save other underage girls from getting taken advantage of by Sam if she were to go public and make her voice heard, but, i dont think shes obligated to do that. The whole things is painful and emabarrassing for her. Imagine having to re-live it every few years when some autists think they have some new evidence and begin to re-hash everything over and over again. Shes obviously a private person and doesnt want to get dragged back into all this shit again.