yes, metokur. he's an oldfag that did a lot of gamergame videos as the internet aristocrat. he's also done a lot of videos lampooning lolcows. he doesn't stream as much anymore since he's got cancer. he's got a great voice and he's pretty funny. he has the old school internet mentality that nothing on the internet should be taken seriously. because he's able to deflect criticism so well, and because he's witty, he's got a lot of fans that try to imitate him or take his side just because they respect him. i think a lot of kiwifarmers fall into this category (at least in the threads i read). i mentioned him just because he's an example of how kiwifags play favorites and aren't always impartial or evidence based as they claim. even though many of them say "i'm just laughing at people on the internet", it's often dishonest because they too become wrapped up in the drama and personally invested.