Elle's death didn't even happen until months after she'd already shut everything down, so that wasn't the reason for it. The harassment was a big part of it, along with the fact that she felt she could not accurately express herself through youtube videos and had naturally outgrown her channel over time and wanted to move on to other things. She said all of this in her goodbye video.
She changed or deleted those accounts after they were posted on 8ch and a bunch of people all followed her at once.
I don't remember that. In the tumblr posts she mentions still living with her family and wanting to drop out of school and apply for government assistance. Of course, that was several years ago now.

Agatha was clearly deeply affected by Elle's suicide, as I'm sure you can imagine having your best friend kill themselves would not be an easy thing to deal with, and it seems as though she's taken on aspects of Elle's personality as a coping mechanism. I really don't think she's deserving of the vitriol some direct toward her for the way she chooses to present herself now, just because she is not the person they want her to be, a person that never really was. Yes, she is struggling with her mental health, but there is nothing "wrong" with that and she deserves sympathy and not scorn.