Currently, links (which is "a" in css) are orange. That's why /ausneets/ is visible even though it's spoilered. You need to make links in css black, or change the spoiler color to dark orange. To do the former:


a {
    color: darkorange;

to this:

a {
    color: black;

Or to change spoiler color add this:

span.spoiler {
    background: darkorange;
    color: darkorange;
    padding: 0 1px;

Also, preformatted text is a little unreadable due to the background color and font being similarly colored. If you add the following, it will make the background color for preformatted text to dark red. You can change the hex color code to a color you like. Here's what you'd add:

pre {
    font-size: initial;
    display: block;
    background: #450101;
    padding: 0.4em;