It does seem there are some new posters who are maybe causing problems. There's been a lot of, in my view, low-quality and hateful posting lately. Mostly what I've seen though is just persistent negative comments about the girls in threads here without it going any further than that—I don't necessarily agree with that kind of behaviour or like the general tone of the board recently but as long as that's the full extent of it and certain lines aren't crossed I don't feel it's my place to intervene. I haven't seen much of anyone engaging in what I would consider to constitute real harassment, or the encouraging of harassment, or taking anything outside of the board itself. There's been a large volume of posts lately, though, so I haven't been able to personally monitor all of them, so maybe I missed some things, but I don't think I've seen anything about harassment or the like in the report queue, either. I definitely don't want this board to be used as a platform for any kind of actual harassment, so I'll look more into it and make sure the Vols watch out for it as well, and consider action against problem posters.

Posts explicitly sexualizing underages or making lewd comments I don't want or allow on the board—these are usually deleted by the mods when seen, and I think several posters have been banned for making such posts—but it's possible a few slip through the cracks. I'll make sure the mods are on the lookout for this sort of thing as well.

Thanks for bringing these issues to our attention so we can attempt to remedy them.