I'm just gonna say this once because I dont want to turn this into another autistic communism discussion and ruin the thread experience for my kenbros:
If you're against capitalism, the logical thing to do is to NOT CONTRIBUTE to capitalism.
And, as many communists claim, if you truly believe you're "forced" to participate in capitalism, then the logical thing to do is to contribute to capitalism the LEAST POSSIBLE you can, like for example buying an off brand smartphone that doesnt support capitalist megacorporations, but still works great for your modern smartphone needs.
If you're a communist who buys an iphone, you're extremely retarded because you're contributing to THE biggest and THE most capitalist company types out there. Apple is literally overpriced shit just for the sake of being overpriced, and having people pay more money just to brag that their shit costs more. It's literally a luxury brand.
Isnt that EXACTLY what communists hate? The whole landlord thing of allegedly creating value out of thin air?
Communists are so fucking retarded that I have to develop arguments for their side. It's like playing chess against a retard and telling him which moves to make.