well then let me explain point by point why marky is better than ciara:

1. marky has a prettier face (ciara had horrible skin and acne)
2. marky has nice body (ciara had nice breasts , sure, but she had chicken legs and was also anorexic looking)
3. marky has talent (ciara didnt draw, or do anything really except scam)
4. marky is good and pure of heart (ciara was literally an evil person whoo manipulated and scammed people)
5. marky isnt a druggie (ciara was a junkie addict)
6. marky isnt a whore (ciara literally spread her own nudes and sold her own nudes; marky has never done this)
7. marky has a lower body count (ciara had a higher amount of partners at 18 than marky has at 24)