She trusted some individuals and they were leaking her information to others and being perverted toward her in other forums. Someone showed her the posts and she confronted them about it. They confessed their undying love for her and begged her not to leave. That's pretty much it. She put her trust in older guys that were protecting her to score points and she only ever saw them as friends. Think about it like this, one of your dad's friends is nice to you, so you think he's your friend only to find out he secretly faps to you and wants to rape you. There was one guy, whoollyshocks or something. I remember him the most. Dude was a prick and he kept banning anyone who talked to Agatha during her livestreams. When word finally got back to her, he acted like he was trying to protect her when he was just jealous that some random anon made her laugh a little too much. He sent me a message once like a week after I was banned from her twitch chat, while I was in another stream telling me why I was banned, so I told him he was full of shit and he went off trying to argue with me like an autist. Then weeks go by. I'm not even watching her livestreams anymore and he just randomly messages me accusing me of shit, lmao. Dude was totally a nutbar.