Tell me more. Why should I be running Falco? That is a genuine question. I read over the github page and it seems like valuable software. However, my laptop is not running as a server, and I use the application level firewall opensnitch to detect and block unwanted outbound connections. I'm also confident that my local network is reasonably secure. I'm not convinced that Falco is necessary for my threat model but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.

It's corebooted, which is more than good enough for my threat model. I did it because it was actually really interesting to learn about, and I must not be that retarded because I didn't brick my machine. Like most thinking people, I have misgivings about systemd. Overreach being one of the primary problems. Frankly, I should look into using a different init system, however, by the time I was really getting into Linux, systemd was basically in everything. I haven't taken the time to make that switch yet. I probably should switch to Artix.

Fake. Where is piss bottle, poop sock, and syringes filled with t?