STDs are one of the main reasons why I didn't persue my career in law enforcement any further. I'd be well on my way to becoming a detective if I did. Besides just being exhausted with baby sitting niggers and being a marriage counselor to white trash, I didn't want to risk catching a disease from one of those ghouls that try to spit in your face or get their infected blood on you or stab you with an infected drug needle. I have mad respect for police for dealing with those people because if it were up to me, I'd just shoot them and leave them for the carrion birds. 

All you degenerate faggots are obsessed with sex. Sex is only supposed to be shared with someone you love or else it doesn't mean anything. Casual sex will leave an empty void inside you and become little more than an addiction. My thoughts on this aren't based on my religion. I don't need God to tell me not to go fuck some disease-ridden faggot in the men's room at Wal-mart. I saw two soldiers making out in the men's clothing section at Wal-mart many years ago and it was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen up to that point in my life. The clothing section at Wal-mart is an interesting place. It has no cameras watching it so it's where most of the shoplifting takes place. I know this because I worked loss prevention. Wetbacks would come in all the time and dress themselves in work clothes and just walk out without paying for it. Niggers like to go there to remove discs from their cases. Degenerates like to meet up to fuck there.