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damn dude you got me, I should've noticed at a glance that the text was on top of the ribbon but I was laser focused on the text right at first.
too bad, I could've finally been free.
Anyone that really knows Ash knows she ain't getting married to just anybody. It even irks her when she hears about young people getting married so soon. She's not really interested in marriage. If you proposed to Ash, she'd probably say "Why?".
so what?  you meet someone, you go on dates, you steady date, and then you get married if you're reasonably sure about them.  it's been 7 years, she could easily be married by now.
you've gotta face the facts.  she's a pretty girl.  pretty girls get hit on a lot and eventually someone who checks enough boxes rolls by.
chances are some tall handsome anglo-saxon phenotype boy with glasses swept her off her feet in high school or college and they have a kid by now.
and don't flatter yourself by calling it "cucking" either, cucking is a triangle-like picture, whereas this is more two dots with a connecting line, and another dot over on the other side of the page.  you aren't her bitter ex-boyfriend who she betrayed, you're some fucking guy who she doesn't know fawning over her on the internet.
with some luck maybe she'll be nice and tell us she's married so we can be done with the fantasies.
hah good one! 
Dont know about a kid but she more than likely has a boyfriend and some you guys need to deal with that.
Its been 7 years and she was just an edgy teenager when she made those videos, she probably has grown out of that phase and changed her mind on a lot of things
I think about all the piss she just flushes into the sewer. I could be drinking that stuff, man. If she cared an iota about mother gaia she would bottle it for me to consume. Just leave it on my doorstep like that milkman. Except it'd be Ash pee that I pour over my Cheerios. Wouldn't even need sugar. Ash pee tastes like honey nut on its own. There's an Islamic saying that every time a menstruating woman urinates the earth screams. I'd scream too. "Give me more of that Ash cider," I'd scream. "I'm hella thirsty."
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> has a nice beard
> has 88 in his name
> is good at dancing
> generously shares his PPs with everyone or plans to do so soon
> has stayed in California, as all Californians should

> writes beautiful poetry
> is getting his money's worth on that windows 95 PC
> works exclusively in ms paint because adobe products are for suckas
> fought bravely against the enemies of Israel
> doesn't waste any precious space of his 10GB harddrive on a reaction pic folder

> knows everyone loves remasters, just like record companies
> good at photoshop
> great at image processing programs that do all the work for you
> doesn't want you to join the discord, tells you to leave
> celebrates valentine's day all year long

> has sex drive through the roof but is redpilled on womyn
> has cool dreams
> lives in one of the only two based Euro countries
> doesn't care about Ashley, only the board and the discord
> milks his government's welfare system, because they deserve it

> knows everything about Vandread
> thoroughly psychoanalyzed Vandread
> exposed Vandread
> works out right before bed so he sleeps better
> searching for Vandread so he can expose her/him/it yet again

> has a vivid imagination
> tells lots of funny stories
> knows all the tricks to seduce dumb women with daddy issues
> knows that age is just a number
> still in the closet (based)

> got to pretend-boyfriend status with Ashley (farther than anyone else)
> there are 2 of him, which is more than 1
> has a 5/10 beard
> skin is blemish free in pictures just like people in magazines
> has a 60% chance of not killing himself

> makes new content at least once every 7 years
> kicked my ass at M...Garfield Kart
> knows Queen sucks
> is still a KV, true to her name (bet you've never heard that one before)
> only makes me cry twice a day

did I miss anyone?
> Zack
> knows everyone loves remasters, just like record companies

you found me out, got the hunchback but it just ties in with my culture (I swear Im not jewish i swear)
My brother, Anon, in a word you are astute
Your perceptions of me are without refute
Anon, please join us in the namefag union
As elite and noble as it is
You certainly seem proven

One minor correction, I am currently running a Windows 7 computer not a Windows 95 but close enough. I'm afraid anything more current would just tax to the limit my non technical cerebrum.

It goes without saying but I'll say it anyway that I do admire you and those on this board that can download programs to achieve wanted results that would daze and confuse the uninitiated such as myself.

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