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Ashley Jones Discussion

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thumbnail of Screenshot 2021-01-20 at 11.58.58 AM.png
thumbnail of Screenshot 2021-01-20 at 11.58.58 AM.png
Screenshot 2021-01-20... png
(105.93 KB, 873x556)
When did the comments get turned off on her only remaining video? Do you think she did it herself or was it just jewtube nanny-stating? I can't even beg her to come back anymore.
It's not her only remaining video. All her videos have been archived at   www.youtube.com/c/AshleyJonesArchive/videos.
 Some still have comments, some recent comments too.
Her last video "Chikk Angel" made on 4/21/15
She made a video later that same day "Uninteresting Rambling Ponyboy" where she steps out of character and says that she might not make anymore videos. It was her swan song.

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