> she did not do that because everything was fine
there are only two races my friend, the rich and the poor 
given her dad managed to buy the tape and delete it from the internet, I fucking bet she didn't do it for the money 
what other reasons are left? 
spite? give me a break, you can pay back your dad in a thousand different ways without whoring yourself out 
she's a stupid whore; end of the story 
> I don't think there had no consequences
she's living fine off her daddy's money 
no social media presence? c'mon we're doing that voluntarily 
nobody will date her? there is a fool/sucker for every goddamn vagina on this earth 
all she has to do is either make up a bullshit story portraying herself as the victim or find someone who has no idea about her past (which is fairly easy) 
it's as easy as moving towns 
meanwhile most of us would never recover from a minor fuck up