> greater separation between people as technology continues to grow, also resulting in people existing online more frequently and said online existences being perceived as is they are real with possible "laws" alongside it

Not happening yet. The internet is continuing to break apart and balkanize if anything. There are still people who won't register to social media sites because they require a phone number for authentication. If I recall correctly I was online more in the last 10 years than I have been the last couple years into the 2020s. It seems like there are less things to do online now days, not more.

> The next 10 years will be like nothing in history. The current state of the world and society does not provide enough contextual information to predict or fathom what the future has in store for everyone

So far this is true. We'd never have imagined the European economy collapsing, a massive war between Russia and Ukraine which NATO is being pulled into, growing supply chain disruptions, rapid inflation, Saudi Arabia abandoning relations with the US and turning to the BRICS alliance, etc.

> All the countries you mentioned are too corrupt
Corruption does not prevent governments from doing whatever they want to do, essentially that is the very precedent of corruption, doing whatever you want despite rules, regulations or laws that would otherwise prohibit illegal, unjust or immoral activity. Slandering a criminal for being a criminal does not stop the criminal.