Yonkers' Unforgettable Highlights


JORDAN MANUEL RIVERA aka. Yonkers/Poopcat/Mittens/Megan/Geordie/Shittens etc.

(NOTE: Please add to this list as you recall – thanks).

(*) Jordan Manuel Rivera is an obese delusional Mexican mentally-retarded “Special-Needs” house-bound forever-alone (now-20yo) ChrisChan lolcow, with a diagnosed PDD mind of a pre-schooler, who lives in his own imaginary fantasy world (ie. he does not co-operate with reality, and demands everyone to believe his magical world and ‘friends’ are real), with zero social-skills, and honestly believes he does nothing wrong (ie. no concept of consequences), and will disagree with anyone about anything he either does not understand or does not want to know about (he must be seen as 'right' in everything, and blames everyone else for his own failings), and who is in total denial about it all.
PROOF (Source: from his own mother, Carmen Bautista, January 2022):
https://archive.org/details/carmenonstream (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
 OR ~
Carmen Stream : https://youtube.com/watch?v=6VRXOwgapBQ (MP4 video; 01:29:16)
(The part at 32:30 is straight from a horror movie with the creepy green lighting and Jordan pathetically whimpering and slowly crawling up the stairs to his attic).

(*) His PDD prevents him from understanding and/or accepting that he has PDD and how it negatively affects him.

(*) Continues to deny he has PDD, as his mother publicly admitted. ie. He calls his own mother a liar.

(*) Admitted he licked his own poop and said it tasted like some sort of pill.

(*) His indescribably-awful and incompetent childish drawings (“Artism”).

(*) Diaper Fetish.

(*) Doxxed himself and his family.

(*) Takes and posts creepshots of his own mother.

(*) The Piss Closet / Piss Bottle(s) / Poop on furniture/walls/floor.

(*) Plastic sheets on his bed and bars on his window.

(*) Addicted to Jenkem and other illegal hallucinogens.

(*) The Hitler Lego Catalogue delivery.

(*) The ultimate ChrisChan Lolcow….

(*) Described by his mother to others (all his life) that he is “Special”; oblivious to what that actually meant; therefore considers himself to be vastly more intelligent/smarter/wiser than others.
