thumbnail of Swim’s Psychedelic Cook Book Mescaline, DMT and Harmalas.pdf
thumbnail of Swim’s Psychedelic Cook Book Mescaline, DMT and Harmalas.pdf
Swim’s... pdf
(6.1 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of Michael Connor - Sneak it Through - Smuggling Made Easy.pdf
thumbnail of Michael Connor - Sneak it Through - Smuggling Made Easy.pdf
Michael... pdf
(10.28 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of Chlorpicrin (Nitrochloroform) page 1.png
thumbnail of Chlorpicrin (Nitrochloroform) page 1.png
Chlorpicrin... png
(2.46 MB, 1200x1519)
thumbnail of Chlorpicrin (Nitrochloroform) page 2.png
thumbnail of Chlorpicrin (Nitrochloroform) page 2.png
Chlorpicrin... png
(2.12 MB, 1200x1519)
It is supposed to be easy to manufacture, something  about injecting a live stream into an aqueous solution of bleaching powder and picric acid. It can be lethal, especially to soldiers in bunkers, foxholes and trenches.