why should i show an elderly creep what i'm  working on. you wouldnt like it because it doesnt have your shitty fantasy about fucking literal children, or some  asinine shit like "the yonkers game". you're not worth being shown anything; you're a lost  cause. 
and not once would you care about something called "jampacked", i can sense you're going to pretend to care because you dont really watch cartoons (ones that could be nice too). 
instead you want to see content creators in mental peril, aka being subject to countless arguments, unwanted videos and shit - if not anything else like being stalked all the time; something that shouldnt happen, no matter what account. people like you are why we  need more security and less vehement liars like you, spaceyman, and anyone else like such. 
no seriously, words cant say more about how i want you deplatformed. i'm tired of seeing your posts every day, even after i wake up. as a matterof fact this whole internet, is  now a  chaos-mess because  of  insects like you. i fucking hate that you dont understand i hate  you, and i will not show you anything. because if i show, you're going to ALSO edit and steal it and claim as yours. just like with the older works you have claimed.