> Note: If you are one of XxTheGreat12's friends, please read this massage about XxTheGreat12's actions.
> So guys, I got some important news to tell you all on why bnuuyartys is leaving Deviantart, well, it's because that one person who is XxTheGreat12 made him leave, why? Because he has been insensitive and toxic to him and also gets angry over him telling XxTheGreat12 that cartoons aren't real and can't hurt others and XxTheGreat12 thinks he won something but no, because he's literally braindead himself and he also knows too much at a young age! He's so stupid and never changes his behaviors! He also called bnuuyartys a north korean wannabe which he isn't, but it's a racist thing to say to someone though, he also threaten to beat bnunnyartys up and also called him a homophobe word when bnuuyartys isn't even gay, here's screenshots of him doing all of these stuff, the rest of the screenshots will be in this link. https://photos.app.goo.gl/d59m9oUofv3YK6KK6 And also, more of them will be uploaded soon. #SupportBnuuyartys
I will never surrender to your fetish.