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thumbnail of 1569597308544.webm
1569597308544 webm
(2.15 MB, 900x900 vp8)
all you have to assume is that they don't know about her discord chatlogs, or that seth is a pedophile groomer
to a normie her entire online presence is as clean-cut as humanly possible (normies don't consider loli audios or cleavage problematic). 
with her disabling comments/mass deleting comments she doesnt like there is literally no indication of anything being off.
not to mention her family, by virtue of them being her family being incapable of viewing anything she does through a sexual lens. 

or they dont care
or they like the money
or they think shes a degenerate whore and thats why she hates herself but they dont let everyone on planet earth know that
we are trying to judge a family dynamic through facebook reposts and 15 second tiktok videos