In fact, Russia did not lose the Russian-Japanese war of 1905. The fighting was stopped because a revolution began in the country. If not for the revolution, then the war of 1905 Russia would have won. Russia lost the naval battle at Tsushima, but the fate of the war was decided on land, and on land by the end of the war Russia was gradually winning 
(22:16) https://echo.msk.ru/sounds/1547246.html 

Николай II принял решение о вступлении в переговоры с посредничеством американского президента Рузвельта по заключению мира (которые уже дважды предлагала Япония) с позиции силы, так как Россия, в отличие от Японии, ещё долго могла вести войну[119]

If you look at the balance of forces, you can see that they are about the same 1.2 million soldiers from Japan, and 1.3 million from Russia. But Japan had the advantage because the United States, England and Canada pumped Japan with money for a war with Russia

> Conversely, Japan's pre-war gold reserves were a modest 11.7 million pounds; a major portion of the total cost of the war was covered by money borrowed from the United Kingdom,[115] Canada, and the United States

In Tsushima and at sea in general, the Japanese won because the Japanese used the latest development of that time, cumulative shells that burned through the armor, which Russia did not have, and which were probably sold to Japan by England and the United States 
> Японские корабли были более быстроходные, с большей дальнобойностью орудий и, что самое важное, применявшие новейший для того времени тип снарядов, который прожигал, кумулятивные снаряды прожигали броню русских кораблей

The revolution of 1905 in the country began due to dissatisfaction with the war and due to the fact that American bankers also provided money to Russian revolutionaries to buy weapons (12:18) https://youtube.com/watch?v=VTiETRoWufY

As a result of the revolution, the war was stopped, but it was believed that it was, as it were, lost. This led to a sharp drop in the authority of the monarchy and to the fact that many began to say that "tsarism does not know how to fight". Together with the First World War, this, in turn, in 1917 led to the fact that the monarchy could not resist, and the geek Bolsheviks came to power

> the losses to manpower and prestige for the Russian empire contributed to growing unrest which culminated with the 1905 Russian Revolution.

> In Russia, the defeat of 1905 led in the short term to a reform of the Russian military that allowed it to face Germany in World War I. However, the revolts at home following the war planted seeds that presaged the Russian Revolution of 1917