> A week or two before the latest twitch stream, Emiru said for the first time that she outright didn't like Seth. So it's possible she was just getting tired of it all and finally snapped.

I think Emiru's hatred towards Seth is genuine. And of course she snapped. She's getting bombarded by Bonbi fans from all sides and it must be so tiring. Recently she even added a disclaimer on her Discord server stating that she won't answer any personal questions about other content creators she's friends with, nor she will discuss any drama. It's pretty obvious this rule was created because of Bonbi situation.

Another thing is that Emiru is a public persona and she has to maintain some image. Getting barraged with shit like "you're a pedo defender" or "why do you defend Seth?" can hurt that image. It made complete sense for her to denounce and publicly distance herself from Seth. It was poorly timed but it was completely understandable.