But Thanksgiving was the week before and they were both still playing on the Holiday weekend... I guess somebody could just have planned a holiday, but it's just weird timing, right between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

imo the most likely option is still that after they went like 1-7 last time they played, they didn't want to play OW anymore for a while. Whether that means that they play a different multiplayer game (that isn't on Steam) together, or that they had a big fight with one another, we don't really know.

> or they could both simultaneously be somewhere away from their computers for some reason...
It's a possibility, but people have been saying that they met up on so many occasions now, unless there is any actual evidence it's best to discard it. Also, if they actually meet up, I don't think there is any chance that Seth could resist flexing about it. 

Another far-fetched idea that has absolutely no evidence to support it: What if Bonbi's parents limit her electronic usage because her grades are garbage? They could be alarmed and since her semester is probably ending soon, they might have decided to monitor her time on the computer more closely.