many reasons:

1 Because the majority of the Russian population is tired of Putin and already hates him.

2 Because by suppressing the opposition, Putin orchestrated a political split that could lead to civil war if Putin is not removed from power. This was the case in Yugoslavia.

3 Putin himself is not a legitimate president because he does not allow real opposition to the elections. Elections held without the admission of a real opposition are not legitimate elections. It's the same with his parliament.

4 If he is not thrown off, then in the future he will probably try to build an ineffective planned economy that will result in multimillion deaths of the population.

5 He will continue to bribe European politicians, muddy the waters, and constantly harm Ukraine in the Donbass. Support the dictatorial regimes of Venezuela and Belarus, which still exist thanks to him. Will continue to provoke wars as it provoked the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict in 2020.

6 Oppresses the Russian humanitarian and political intelligentsia, the category from which the best politicians come out. If this category is not saved, then Russia will never have a normal government. This is fraught with further dictatorships, aggressive foreign policy, and confrontation with the West.

I can give many more reasons