Cheers. Simple and clean is the way I like things. I'm not a fan of adding overlays and blending.

I don't know really. I agree with some of his ideology to an extent but I tend to critcise where he believes the problem comes from (bar the leftist psychology part). I'm a fan of his works but I don't support his doings. His manifesto is an eye-opening read but it does contain a lot of paranoid drivel. Perhaps if he went down the route of incrementalism then it would have been more believable, since to the average person, it can easily be shunned away as work from the insane. 

I can't deny it either, technology has done wonders to the world and even I use it. I just think the social part of technology is gruesome (Yet here I am). I've just accepted that none of it will change. Even though I frequent anonymous forums, I won't stoop to using the other platforms; and it's not a question about privacy but more of humanity. Who I am as an individual is far more important than conforming with the majority. Of course, I would not be stubborn and deliberately object where the majority lays, but the majority nowadays are the people with a louder voice and not necessarily the larger base. And with that larger voice, many people just conform - and that's the people I disagree with. The people who are ignorant but join a group mentality and echo what logic is spouted at them. Those are the people I can't stand.

A lot of Ted fans are also weird. I mean, to be a fan of a mass murderer is grounds to deem as insanity. I respect his work/writings. As long as you can separate the two then it's kind of fine but even so it's a little askew where the line is. His work is good but it's not something to obsess over or completely agree on. It's a matter of taking it in lightly and look for improvements/critiques.