I didn't know someone reposted my issues on there, but I just used another option to make the thumbnails (GD instead of imagemagic). Seems to have issues with videos so I'll be giving a try to what you linked.

Honestly I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck I'm even doing beyond the very basics for now, so I can actually do something middle/long term that isn't just slapping a premade program on a server. But I have limited time to get anything done and the only computer I can spare to test this on for now is a fucking optiplex tower with a dual core from 2007 and 3gb of ram.
Upside is that if whatever I try work on it, It'll work on anything.

If anyone else noticed the old booru is giving 503 errors, I hope someone else is scrapping the pictures because I'm not sure I'm doing it properly on my end