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I remember the first season being funny and serious at times and it looked like it was building a universe and shit but I look at the second season and all I see is…. family guy with a scientist and a kid…

I mean, look at most of the episodes in season 2, most were outright shit or mediocre. there was only 1 or 2 generally funny episodes in the season and that rick suicide thing shocked me and made me shed a tear much like how morty killed his other self in season 1. 

I mean the show was how should I put it, more interesting and funnier in season 1. season 2 just feels like they got an unfunny neckbeard cuck to write most of it.

not only that but the addition of poopy butthole like JESUS FUCKING CHRIST ARE THE WRITERS FUCKING RETARDED? HOW IN THE LIVING FUCK DOES SEASON ONE HAVE BETTER OVERALL ANYTHING THAN IN SEASON 2? like were they INTENTIONALLY trying to make season 2 shitty or what?

not only that it's shitty now but adult swim has been shilling the FUCK out of this as of late (vid related)

like c'mon. "pocket mortys"?? a pokemon ripp-off where you capture "mortys"? really? is that supposed to be funny? I don't. I don't see why the kid has to constantly be this drunken old shit's bottom bitch and I don't know why this is an ongoing joke. and instead of your human harvesting shit being the monsters of the games, how about you use the monsters from the fucking show to capture? I mean your game is based on a show that involve a galactic duo going to different world meeting different monsters so why not make the pokemon the monsters from the tv show? oh wait, you can't because the you couldn't just recolor the base morty drawing over and over and not make any effort whatsoever in making your own monster designs. HAHAHA make teenage boys your slaves and make them fight each other to the death just like in pokemon! this totally isn't just a lazy piece of shit! our ret- I mean "fans" will eat this shit up I mean, it's free so they can figure out later that we put no effort into it!