As he looked at the undergarment, known as a diaper (albeit big, and made from pamp city..), he was a little "shocked", with some blushing. 
"Oh... oh no. I'm so embarassed.." he says, he later wakes up. Tries to find others, after taking a lil peak of their room. MUCH different from the og hospital they had. Precisely, let's just say the world they're in now is that.. they're just not in a hospital anymore, they have no illness, personality probs the same.. but more quirky and cute. 
Fuck it. I'll just continue the story, but dont get mad if it's not of your cup of tea.

"Umm... where is everybody?" Barry asks, also looking for Uni as well; knowing him. Approaching one of the rooms was (presumably) Uni's, Barry slowly peeked in, before knocking.