SymbOS running on Enterprise #MiSTerFPGA core

"The Enterprise is a Zilog Z80-based home computer announced in 1983. It was developed by British company Intelligent Software and marketed by Enterprise Computers.  Its two variants are the Enterprise 64, with 64 kilobytes of Random Access Memory (RAM), and the Enterprise 128, with 128 KB of RAM.  Two application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) chips take some of the workload off of the central processor. They are named "Nick" and "Dave" after their designers, Nick Toop, who had previously worked on the Acorn Atom, and Dave Woodfield. "Nick" manages graphics, while "Dave" handles sound and memory paging (bank switching).
You can find more info here
A FPGA core is being developed and ported to MiSTer (as well as for NeptUNO and Unamiga_Reloaded boards), please check this topic for more detailed information :
SymbOS is a new multi-tasking Operating System intended for use on Z80-based systems like MSX, Enterprise64/128, Amstrad CPC and PCW. More details please visit the official site:
In this small capture you will see how Enterprise core loads and runs SymbOS 3.0, as an ENTERPRISE128 SD Adapter is also implemented in FPGA core.  If you're interested in MiSTer FPGA project and want to find out more about all the cool stuff it can do, pay a visit to the new documentation"