RC 2014

z80ctrl: AVR-based Z80 Bootloader and I/O Board

rc2014 video output progress'
The chips used from left to right on the breadboard, a 74ls30 and 3 74lvc245
success rc2014 video card
A working(!) VGA character display for the rc2014, the 640x480 is scan doubled with alternate lines dimmed for a nice retro interlaced effect, you can poke an ascii value into the top 1KB (actually 1000 characters) and it will appear on the screen the characters are 8x8 (but stretched to 16x16) giving 40x25 characters
rc2014 shocking news machine code faster than basic!
Playing with my new "video card" on my rc2014 I noticed that basic (the language) was very very slow at changing the screen contents. first you see basic setting the whole screen with characters 0-9, then a machine code routine does the same but with the whole character set space(32) to smiley(127)....

RC2014 Z80 8-bit computer kit + SN76489 sound chip test
Z80 Retrocomputing 14 - RC2014 Floppy Controller Board
Z80 Retrocomputing 10 - RC2014 CompactFlash