It's not that I think he is not making sense, I can develop a feeling for what he was trying to say, but I don't think it is necessary to use so many new concepts to explain things that are simplex.
And I am quite sure if one can provide the attributes, features, descriptions, functions of the Soul it can explained in a physical sense (e.g., brain functions.) But that's my take on it, I simply don't like whenever people use complicated lexicon for stuff that can, in my opinion, be easily explainable.
Same with modern-day Psychology, they're all scratching the surface of human behavior and there still isn't a single theory in the field of Psychology that considers the role played by emotion in human behavior, and the mechanism controlling emotion itself (which I think is what the Soul is).
There are of course some who fully know mechanism controlling emotion, and thus human behavior and are abusing that knowledge to control, deceive, manipulate the masses.
And of course a very good way to corrupt and control human beings is to hijack the mechanism controlling emotion, with drugs, deception, disinformation, pornography, NLP, suggestive programming, or actual stimulation of areas in the brain which release a certain emotional response based on the stimuli.