Veganism won't sustain a population for more than five generations, many wouldn't be able to make a third generation vegan. That's a hard empirical reality. This Rothschild never knew WHY Tesla was a genius, he had read Roger Boscovich's Theory of Natural Philosophy which was partly inspired by the Periphyseon which the Periphyseon was written by someone that had looked into the writings of the Neoplatonists. The Rh negative theory was a very popular theory back eight years ago, but it's full of crap. Rh negative blood isn't correlated with those that have the genes that doesn't use heme-iron but instead, copper as the basis for the "red blood cell" that's physically blue, but having physically blue blood that uses copper doesn't mean that they can't eat animals product and byproduct. If anything, they would have to eat more liver or eggs or bivalves to have a bioavailable form of copper. This guy's an idiot.