I remember that video it came out I belive it could be real. I don't remember exactly either they said it was done by visitors and not staff or they did not have an official explanation. They always talk about satanists in graveyards and that video even if its fake it shows candid satanism in that context of which I am sure that kind of thing is going on and its an underground epidemic apparently. One of the big criticisms is that there is flood lights and that is not very good for staying hidden.you can hear them chanting which suggests they are not trying to stay hidden it kind of sounds like dogs barking but they are chanting. The willingness of the victim suggests she thought she was just going to lie there and maybe they worded it in such a way she thought she was going to do a simple wiccan ritual. Or that its faked. Maybe she was in a drug induced trance. That is the most puzzling part they all walk in formation and is  disrobed and lies down as if they rehearsed it beforehand. The reaction of the cameraman is the best part of that video.