According to CERN's spokeswoman, it was a prank done by scientists there without official permission. Seems legit. Everyone knows there's nothing funnier than a human sacrifice ritual in the middle of the night. Who were they pranking? Clearly not the rest of the scientists that work there since it's the middle of the night. People on the internet? Why in the fuck would they put their career and the reputation of their workplace on the line for a joke? If it was a prank, then that means the cameraman was in on it. Why did the cameraman act (act?) so surprised, and why did he make sure that people watching the video would know this was at CERN? (the video on that website conveniently doesn't show the end of that video, which had the camera pan up to a large mural of the particle accelerator.) I can't tell if the woman is really being stabbed, but she does jolt a little bit when it happens. Could this maybe be a hoax in order to discredit CERN? Anyways sorry to bring this up like 2 years after happened but I randomly remembered how fishy it was.