> I do not like the civil war avocation and that is what a lot of the problem is with divide and conquer.
You haven't really grasp the full context, so here's the summary of what I meant: having a civil war is a "lesser evil" than going against a foreign evil that seeks to undermine their enemy (us), usually through internal takeover which inevitably creates civil wars to begin with.

Kavanaugh is the person behind the Patriot Act, he's pro abortion too. He is anti 4th amendment and pro 2nd amendment. An anti 4th amendment judge might be necessary to evade the privacy of evil parasitic systems but that too will backfire in evading innocent people's homes. Some say (people like the Jewish Henry Makow) Kavanaugh is a Freemason but I think he hates "liberal" women so much because of that psychotic psychology professor as well as the CIA since she is of a CIA family. Representative Democracy is a slow process which these kikes had taken over and had done too much damage from creating the Republican ideal of actually treating blacks and whites as one people at a equal footing which is unfortunately been messed with and destroyed by Democrats and the Jews that wants to maintain the false dichotomy against black.

The rationality taking over the minds of SJWs are really inverted racism, as strange as that sounds, but for Jews, they don't fall for the same SJW mentality collectively speaking. Freemasons on the other hand, are both racist and not racist, accepting only their in group with whatever stupid fucking ritual greetings they do even in public. For the most part, Freemasons are no different than any other public cult having their own way of communicating with each other, but the reason I think it's "cringy" is because they themselves are ignorant and they pride themselves in it without knowing why and are given a false reason why like salvation or some other excuse taken out of context of the original sources of the very cults that they ripped off of but never contextually understand those religions individually, so they also don't understand why Christians are against Freemasonry, especially if they call themselves "Christian Freemasons", for their ultimate priority overrides their Christian obligations for Freemasonic ones. Freemasons have adopted the psychosis of kikes, but various other religions also adopt a similar disloyalty to their actual flesh and blood family and extended family as Protestants and Catholics fund Zionists and Jews among their own institutions and abroad, making people dependent on money received by these charities at the cost of allegiance to a religious ideal instead of promoting self sustainability. I can't trust most charities even if they're nonreligious since secular charity devolves into a religion of gibs me dats no different than state welfare. If I had enough know how and wealth, I would only do charity all by myself all without destroying myself in the process which of course there's a very thin line between charity and enabling.