"Chosen People" in what context? From a Christian Theological standpoint, only God knows who is His people while even Christians themselves only speculate that others have an APPEARANCE of godliness (AKA doing things that Christians do) but no one can say for certain at a truly individual level who is saved, while what Christians claim is that those who are within a congregation who are godly people who affirms the doctrines of God and various other things pertaining to faith are treated as if they are saved, among each other, represent a physical body/group/organization of Christ meeting at a location. In other words, nobody is saved via genetics nor by works nor could even know if they themselves are saved if they really want to be systematically correct. However, once saved always save is a concept that goes beyond the minds of most people, since works can't deny nor confirm one's salvation, therefore, ASSUMING that God really did "saved" someone of which the proof of that salvation is through confession of their sins to God as well as testifying to others your conversion has happened, no amount of works would negate one's salvation even if they become a soul denying atheist degenerate that ends up destroying their body. However, the only real motivation for Christians to be Christians is for the Christian community in having a LIKENESS of being in a heavenly community WHILE on earth among like minded Christians at external value, as well as the speculative life after death in rewards in heaven (which is the dominion of God) which in the Book of Revelation, in the New Creation, Heaven and Earth will be one (after sending all wickedness into the lake of fire to burn forevermore), is also when Christians affirm to the PHYSICAL resurrection of all Christians into incorruptible bodies. In other words, Christianity is the desire to establish an ideal community on earth and the means to that ideal is also "Christian". However, it's a lie to say that only Christianity sought after a sort of "Platonic Ideal" of a pure society with only one ruler that understands true metaphysics.

"Brother" Nathanael promotes Putin, a half kike so I don't care about his political perspective.