Insisting the New Testament isn't oblivious to race is cherrypicking. Timothy for example, was a Judahite-Greecian whom Paul himself personally circumcises so that Timothy can be accepted among some Jewish community. Again, you have a low attention span, reread what I've posted, because there's ultimately no genetic people that are "God's people" by blood. Much of the sources used in that article is using the Old Testament to justify a Christian nation mostly comprised of one race of Christian converts, but if they are really a Christian nation, they cannot deny marriage to a Christian of another race if two of those people really loved each other (lust isn't love) and are of good faith, God Himself doesn't condemn it just as salvation isn't limited to a specific race, so is miscegenation is allowed under specific circumstances.

It was called hoodoo in many old books, it's been changed to be called voodoo these days. The voodoo religion is an African syncretic cult.