> [...] for from the latter time to the present the Egyptians reckon more than ten thousand years, but from the Trojan War less than twelve hundred.
@ page 77 

> The son of Alcmenê, who was born more than ten thousand years later and was called Alcaeus at birth, [...]
@ page 77

> The priests of the Egyptians, reckoning the time from the reign of Helius to the crossing of 334 b.c. Alexander into Asia, say that it was in round numbers twenty-three thousand years. And, as their legends say, the most ancient of the gods ruled more than twelve hundred years and the later ones not less than three hundred. But since this great number of years surpasses belief, some men would maintain that in early times, before the movement of the sun had as yet been recognized, it was customary to reckon the year by the lunar cycle.
@ page 83

Will stop there because really the whole book is worth reading ;)

Will watch the video.