> That's the link you used correct? either way this is slightly different as it states that onesiphorus was preaching in Ephesus and Paul himself wasn't there. The only person who claimed to be an apostle and preached in ephesus that we know of in scripture is Paul.
Perhaps, but Jesus in Revelation talks of multiple false apostles in Ephesus. Paul is just a single apostle on the other hand.
> Also I know this is sort of unrelated. But have you noticed the similarites of Saul from the old testament and Saul from the new testament.
Why do you think he was named Saul? Because he was from the tribe of Benjamin.
> Also why did James question Paul about trying to get rid of the mosaic law. Wny would James have the need to question Paul if he never preached against the law
James questioned Paul because Paul said that circumcision wasn't necessary for gentiles under the New Covenant. Even Peter came into conflict with Paul about this, and Paul writes about it in Galatians, incident at Antioch. Of course however this doesn't abrogate circumcision as a whole (he circumcised Timothy)
> "Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech: 13And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished: 14But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. 15But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. 16Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away."
Again, same thing with Galatians. He isn't saying the Law is abolished, just that Christ atones for the sins/transgressions of the Law that we all inherently have. Not til heaven and earth pass shall one jot pass from the law.
> Well the first thing we see him do is support the stoning of stephan. Not exactly a stunning representation of christian morale. However that was before his conversion and we saw earlier that James questioned Paul. 
Also the apostles questioned Paul when he first came to them. But it isn't the same as Simon Magus (a Samaritan convert who taught sorcery and wealth) or Nicholas (whose followers, the Nicolaitans are hated by Jesus himself as said in Revelation). Not much questioning going on with Paul, and he was accepted.
> also I see you don't do that Yeshua/Yahshua thing. I think that is stupid myself tbh
It's common among Hebrew Roots movements, but I don't just to keep to standards, since Jesus's name was always transliterated in foreign languages. He even spoke Latin to Pontius Pilate.
It isn't wrong though that the root word for Jesus is technically Joshua. I've heard a man, a Gnostic claim that Jesus is actually the Greek word for healer, or related to Jason. This is nonsensical since "Jesus" in the Septuagint is actually used to refer to Joshua the man who conquered Canaan.