At first I thought the term " gang stalking" referred to gang members or something. When I next heard of it, I really thought the person who told me they were being "Gangstalked" was crazy. 
Until it happened to me. I soon came to realize that I wasn't just being targeted by the current group of devils that were insistent on making my life a living hell, but I had previously been stalked/life ruined, etc. by someone who is a mason. Once these people target you for something, they will stop at nothing to see you lose everything you have including your mind. I was targeted first because of competition in the music production industry, next it was sick wannabe masons and satanists after me for my medical knowledge and products I was selling in the medical marijuana industry. 
Everything is run by secret societies now, the masons appear to be the largest or at least the most public in their satanic agendas. What gets me is all of the sheeple that still refuse to believe and/or see that we are in the midst of a satanic revolution/world agenda. They don't want to hear it, or they want to believe that they will be one of the elite as well! LOL! Fuck all of those workers of satan! Killuminati777