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q posted this the other day. Along with  >>/3870/ , this is why I have not been as active on here. Been making it rain on /qresearch/ . The media is freaking out and all kinds of stuff. Very interesting. I hope i can achieve what is expected of me as an anon. as an autist. because they need people to wake up to the masonic deception. Because it underlies the dissidence against America happening on all levels. To the point they are shutting down the literal town. Football coaches with their arms outstretched saying go home. The invisible enemy is the media concernfagging about it while advocating continuing the shutdown. To shoehorn in the rfid nwo crap we have been expecting. Not necessarily. People need to understand the deception. That the media lies. That we need to have a regular election . This masonic cult (satanics in freemasonry) has all default ways of even looking into this. Google known to be masonic. Youtube having met in masonic temples to discuss curbing paranoia content according to project veritas. Twitter ran by satanic Jack apparently. Reddit owned by a cannibal. It also explains all the fucking gangstalking i have been having to deal with. Its because apparently not a lot of people condense this stuff down to the actual thing of which corruption flourishes. The craft.